View Full Version : Anyone know this one pleeease?

26th May 2004, 11:58 PM
Cheers guys.

27th May 2004, 12:54 AM
Jill Sanders - I can't Feel It

Should be able to pick a copy up for a few hundred pounds :thumbsup:

27th May 2004, 05:31 PM

Please take a ticket.......you are number 54,321, please wait in the que. :rofl:


27th May 2004, 05:58 PM
Please take a ticket.......you are number 54,321, please wait in the que. :rofl:

But why, that sample sounds horrendous. :S

27th May 2004, 06:07 PM
But why, that sample sounds horrendous. :S

agreed m8y :fekked:

27th May 2004, 06:34 PM
Im guessing here, but you arent from the northwest are you? hahah. j/k.

Its very pitched up and sounds very screamy though doesnt it I have to admit!! :o :o . On the proper speed its a respectable track that nobody seems to be able to find. I know about 25 people after this already, theres a handfull on here too. That includes me......however I wont ever pay silly money for it. 25 quid or sommet ;) .


27th May 2004, 06:54 PM
Its not pitched up that much at all to be honest ;)

Whoever Jill is, shes been piched up when theyve sampled it and added it to the tune..

This is deffo one of them tunes that will divide the Piano Lovers / Haters :cool:

I think its feckin ace :hubba: :P


28th May 2004, 12:36 PM
I've wanted to hear this 4 a while as it gets mentioned quite a lot....

not my cuppa at all!

28th May 2004, 08:46 PM
what a fookin tunephones: phones: phones: phones:one of my top wants :thumbsup:

Stuck in Aahz
28th May 2004, 10:07 PM
Not for my tastes... Just as well though, I hate finding out about records that I'd love to have, but will never be able to find or afford.

pauly p
28th May 2004, 11:52 PM

29th May 2004, 07:46 AM
suprisingly for a mouse im not into expensive cheese
boursin however .............
