View Full Version : Just popped into my head???

13th May 2004, 12:09 PM
Tune from about '93 i think. Used to be played at legends alot. Should know it but the name eludes me like usual. Soz about the poor description. :S

Starts off with a whistle and at the end of the first set of 4 bars it has like a double bass drum hit. Repeats this another 3 times then i think a rap comes in saying something like 'get down to the funk'. May even have the vocals of 'I've-a-I've-a-I've got your pleasure'.

Cheers. :thumbsup:

13th May 2004, 12:10 PM
Pan Position - Elephant paw

From memory... I think....

13th May 2004, 12:12 PM
Pan Position - Elephant paw

From memory... I think....
Next question.

You got a snippet of it bud??? :thumbsup:

13th May 2004, 12:19 PM
Next question.

Defo' Elephants Paw, its on Italy Next, n UK Positiva wiv a top tastic Xen Mantra mix ;)

13th May 2004, 12:43 PM
Defo' Elephants Paw, its on Italy Next, n UK Positiva wiv a top tastic Xen Mantra mix ;)
Cheers chris. :thumbsup:

13th May 2004, 12:47 PM
Cheers chris. :thumbsup:

No problem m8, It's worth gettin both the italy n UK copy. Italy for its originality n UK for the XM mix :thumbsup:

13th May 2004, 12:53 PM
I'm pretty sure I've got a spare of this. I'll have a check when I'm back in Blighty.

13th May 2004, 01:13 PM
I'm pretty sure I've got a spare of this. I'll have a check when I'm back in Blighty.
Cool. :cool: Let us know bud. :thumbsup: Cheers.

Cheers to shoomie too. :thumbsup: