View Full Version : Xylophone tune

1st May 2004, 11:27 PM
Bit of a shot in the dark this

Bouncy as feck, sounds like a xylophone, think Tony De Vit used to play it 93/4 ish?


2nd May 2004, 12:36 AM
Bit of a shot in the dark this

Bouncy as feck, sounds like a xylophone, think Tony De Vit used to play it 93/4 ish?


90% certain this will be

intuition:- dance with me on faze 2 records. Proper tuneroony. I think the man like used to play this as well. think its actually 1992/3

2nd May 2004, 01:04 PM
Cheers Nathan

Theres a clip on the HTFR site, but it hasn't got the xylophone bit on it - damnit!

You are right though, 1992

Have you got a clip?
