View Full Version : Zone Tunerooney Id wanted....

26th January 2002, 08:59 PM
Wehey!. Cheers for that. Must keep my eyes peeled for that one! :).



27th January 2002, 04:24 AM
I reckon that tape is Zone 93/94 new years eve. maybe to some it's a touch fast but i reckon it's a pearl. oh yeah and your song is

Back To Future - Kick It

27th January 2002, 01:39 PM
Lol, this thread doesn't seem to make any sense !!! How the hell did you get that WAFC mate with no sample, no description or owt ???

Heheheh, you're not doing the old mind reading bit are you mate ???

27th January 2002, 03:13 PM
VA Did you not know WAFC was related to Uri Geller!! :).....hehehe. My spoons are all fekked now!!!!.

No, I posted a description WAFC then answered it - I was so chuffed I was going to ask what the next one is on the tape by editing the original message rather than a new thread but got sort of side tracked trying to find the tape to remember what it went like and everything(never found it) and ended up just posting a reply back instead over the top. Whoops. Its was ' how do i now get to tell you?' track.

See ya,
