View Full Version : northwest piano anthems

5th March 2004, 02:30 AM
hi raverz...
anyone got anyinfo on this 4 cd set. a tracklist would be great, or if anyones got a cd cover ??? any info would be fantastico....
cheers raverz
da funkster

5th March 2004, 11:11 AM
hi raverz...
anyone got anyinfo on this 4 cd set. a tracklist would be great, or if anyones got a cd cover ??? any info would be fantastico....
cheers raverz
da funkster

I cant find any info on it anywhere, are you sure its a geniune release and not one that somebody made in their bedroom? :confused:

5th March 2004, 08:56 PM
do you mean the big up north series?
if so i have vol. 2 and can tracklist it let me know if it is.