View Full Version : Fantazia

25th January 2002, 04:28 PM
This is more of a mix ID than a tune ID, it's one of the early fantazia's!

OK, this is probably going back to 94/95 (or even earlier - one of my mates had it and it was our theme b4 we went to Park Hall!) there was a Fantazia mix I think on CD.

It definately had that Rat Pack "This is the captain of your ship.." in it, and at the start it had this awesome build up.

I know this description is pretty vague but its been a LOONG time since I heard it!

I also think the cover was the classic Fantazia happy sun image!

Does anyone know what the hell I'm talking about?

13th February 2002, 02:09 AM
I used to have a Fantazia compilation with that track 'this is the captain of your ship'.

Unfortunatly i gave it away many many years ago so i can't remember. but it is definatly a Fantazia compilation.

13th February 2002, 11:11 AM
Fantazia :- the first taste now sort after on account of a tune called I got the real feel by sunset regime. Unfortunatly some dipstick I know not too far away from hear gave it away when he thought he'd graduated from hardcore to house

Dj Britalian
13th February 2002, 12:15 PM
You are dead right there m8, its Fantazia - First Taste Cat #Fant001.

If you speak to DJ Fantazia he is selling one (an it aint cheap), i'd love to sell you mine but i'd then have to book meself into a lunatic asylum:crazy::crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: