View Full Version : most beautiful house tune ever? did i dream...

15th February 2004, 05:28 PM

Taped this off a french radio show, it was about 9 mins long - ive cut loads out but wanted to show as much as i could (you'll hear a few joins) - so, sorry about the big file.

It samples the coctea twins Elizabeth Fraser - Song of the Siren, singing "Did i dream... you dreamed about me.."

its not Messiah - Temple Of Dreams, which I know has the same lyrics re-sung, and I know theres Song of the Siren (by Lost Witness), but that had the vox re sung too and was no where near as ..erm.. "touching"....

Tiesto has had something to do with a recent version but its not that either! (although its not too bad)

Basically Im clutchin at straws here, but its such a sad, sweet peice of music Id do anything to get a decent copy!



16th February 2004, 12:20 PM
Hi Nathen, this could be the original Lost Witness version, I had a copy a while back but swapped it with a mate. The version you have sounds familiar, here is a link to the various releases to Did I dream? (http://www.discogs.com/search/?meta_type=&text_content=DID+I+DREAM&action=Go)

23rd February 2004, 10:19 PM
nah, tried that too and its not it... this was more of a tune that sampled some of Song to the Siren rather than a new version of it... but doesnt look like anyone knows it anyway :(

thanks anyway

24th February 2004, 11:39 AM
Could be this - it's certainly beautiful.

24th February 2004, 11:41 AM
I've just realised there is a sound clip listen to. When I get a minute...