View Full Version : I dont believe it!!!!

24th January 2002, 11:22 PM
I asked for this ID when I first joined the board and today I couldn't believe my ears on the radio!! I dunno who it is but they have done a cover of 1 of my most wanted tunes...
It was a 1990 tune that 808 State always used to play on the Radio 'Sunset 102 FM'... has a woman singing 'Ever so lonely without you... ever so lllllonely....'
I wouldnt really call it a house tune but it had a wicked breakbeat bit very similar to 'YBU - Keep It Up' and it sounded a bit Asian... anybody know it or heared it on Radio recently???:D

25th January 2002, 12:26 AM
Only one I can think of on the Asian front is "Yeke Yeke", but I can't remember when it came out.

Soz, not much use I know :axe:

25th January 2002, 01:50 PM
:eyebrow: tisnt really house but its got er something going for it imo !
oh and i believe theres a new version out but i know nowt about that un:axe:

25th January 2002, 03:52 PM
Excellent Lisa!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Gonna search for it now... thanks! :D :D