View Full Version : 5768 time lucky lol

7th January 2004, 07:31 PM
Ive put this up several times now, n im gonna put it up again as there's a few more peeps on the board!! I carry the sample under mi sig, but i dont think anyones noticing, so...

What is this god damn tune!! (http://www.splattdesigns.co.uk/biskit/tmb.mp3)

Please someone put me outta my misery, its the only one left on a tape I have, that i need i.d'ing!! :D

If you know it, PM us it please!! :thumbsup:

7th January 2004, 09:48 PM
someone id this for chris tis a corker

9th January 2004, 12:37 AM
sounds fairly commercial ......

u tried shazam ???


9th January 2004, 01:01 AM
Hi m8
New to this forum and i think i may be able to help.
Im positive that i have this 100%
Im due a delve through my records this weekend so ill find it (over 10,000- used to own a record store ;) )
Dont know why but Billy Beats on Rey-D records hit me straight away but ill have to confirm it:)

9th January 2004, 07:12 AM
Hi m8
New to this forum and i think i may be able to help.
Im positive that i have this 100%
Im due a delve through my records this weekend so ill find it (over 10,000- used to own a record store ;) )
Dont know why but Billy Beats on Rey-D records hit me straight away but ill have to confirm it:)

Sorted AB45 :thumbsup: It'll make my day if you find out artist n title of this tune :D

11th January 2004, 01:37 AM
so im 1/4 of my way through my records and still havent found it :@ But at least now i know its not Billy Beats, so sorry for that :) I Have got this i fuggin know i have so im gonna keep lookin, got a feelin its a b-side of summit, i will not lose!!! lol

p.s. what year was this tape from as my records are kinda in order of age.

11th January 2004, 02:17 AM
The tapes from 90/91 :D BTW welcome to the board AB45 :thumbsup: