View Full Version : Help me

15th December 2003, 10:43 PM

I'm looking for this record? Do you know it, what's the name? Where can I find it?

Thanks for your help.

:confused: :


15th December 2003, 10:52 PM
First of all, welcome aboard bud :). Second, your clips gone awol, and its probably beter off on the Tune ID section. lol. Maybe it will get moved in there!

Hope we can help bud

See ya


The Joker
15th December 2003, 11:01 PM
correct sirius moved to tune id, if u put up either than a description or a sample am sure these guys will be able to help u out!

P.S. welcome 2 the board btw :wave:

15th December 2003, 11:21 PM
Welcome aboard m8 :thumbsup: Ur tune i.d rip is probs too big, ur only able to up a certain size. Lower the bitrate of ur sample or instead of ur clip being 1 minute, make it 20 secs or so ;)