View Full Version : tune info

6th April 2002, 07:03 PM
can anyone tell me if these tunes are any good and a little info on them

digital boy - ok alright (dj herbie remix)
g & v jay - hippy sound
the end - ecstacy express
secchi - keep jammin (loading remix)
cheers people,

ste huxley
6th April 2002, 09:54 PM
>>digital boy - ok alright (dj herbie remix)


The Kokko remix is bang on as well

>>g & v jay - hippy sound

Not got this but have seen it and I'm int in knowing what its like

>>the end - ecstacy express

As above

>>secchi - keep jammin (loading remix)

This is the remix is very funky, top vocals as on original

6th April 2002, 10:07 PM
ive got the end extasy express and I love it :)
Its a banging early 91 belguim techno style tune

6th April 2002, 10:12 PM
cheers for the info lads.
vinyl skippy would u mine putting them in your myplay locker so that i could listen to them. this would help me out loads to decide to buy these tunes.
cheers again people

6th April 2002, 10:28 PM
cheers m8,
will have to listen to them tomorrow, just about to watch jeepers creepers,
just leave your e-mail address and pasword for myplay.
your a star m8:D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D