View Full Version : Frankie Knuckles 1979

10th November 2003, 05:27 PM
I was only seven years old when FK spun this tune :dummy:

Sometimes I wish I had a time machine...

Does anyone know what it is???



10th November 2003, 06:16 PM
I was only 4!

i fecking love this tune!

Spookily i listened to this mix for the 1st time in a few years last week & thought i've gotta put that 1st track up, so cheers for saving me the effort.:D ...be surprised if anyone gets it though!

10th November 2003, 06:25 PM
I reckon it might be worth puttin it on that t'other site fellas, even the legend David Mancuso pops on there from time to time

10th November 2003, 06:46 PM
Sent this to one of my bros, he's into this kind of vibe. Played it down the phone to him and he says it sounds similar to a D-Train track but not sure exactly as the vocal wasn't clear.

He's going to search his tunes and post it on a few sites he's on and see what comes back..will let you know in due course if someone doesn't id it meanwhile :phones:

10th November 2003, 07:52 PM
Cheers Mig!! Let us know...

Originally posted by Konspiracy
I reckon it might be worth puttin it on that t'other site fellas, even the legend David Mancuso pops on there from time to time

Yes, I've read some of DM's posts, total TOTAL legend...I might just pop it on there as there's quite a few after this tune - put my Farley 'Funkin' Keith one on there and got an id from 'DJ Duke' (!!) - was wondering if it was actually him??
