View Full Version : 49ers - touch me

Kev Da Kitten
3rd November 2003, 03:12 PM
ive got a tape with a version of this on and it goes like this -

come on and touch me...........the a records scratching sound x4

then a piano solo starts and a sexual groaning sound of a woman sayin oh oh i like it i like it i like it.

any one recognise this? is it a remix

3rd November 2003, 04:14 PM
From memory, i think this was called the sex remix or sexy remix or something like that. I always remeber that bird at the start moaning her tits off - sounded like a right good :shag: Again, can't be sure but think my version is on 4th & Broadway, sure someone else will give some better info :D

3rd November 2003, 06:06 PM
It is the Sexual Version (p.Rossini/G.Bortolotti) 1989 Island Records
