View Full Version : very short

1st November 2003, 04:41 PM
not much to go on here, but the tune i need an id for is the "and pump up the bass" bit that is scratched in on a xtc-timeless mix, it sounds like blapps posse - dont hold back? which i have, but it dont sound quiet the same, is this just a mix of that track or is it a completely different track alltogether, im sure i remember a few tracks that had that sample in it. n e wayz im on a waffle and prolly got it all completely wrong, but hey, me name is plebhead after all

any help appreciated thx

1st November 2003, 04:44 PM
damn, (note to self - must remember to attatch sample)

1st November 2003, 04:50 PM
Deffo Blapps Posse - Don't Hold Back (Blappstramental)
or the exact same sample...sounds a bit different because of phasing/echoing of the rip
(even High Givers - Love & Money behind is doing it)

1st November 2003, 04:56 PM
If it's any help the "and pump up the bass" sample off the Blapps tune originally comes from Cash Money & Marvellous - Mighty Hard Rocker

yo cash stop the track... and pump up the bass....

1st November 2003, 04:57 PM
thx for that matey :thumbsup:

was that sample used in any other tracks, im sure i had a tune on a tape years ago with that sample in it and was totally different, i dunno, might just sound different on a straight head :S

thx again

1st November 2003, 05:00 PM
cheers mike, dont suppose u got a sample of that do you :|