View Full Version : 23rd Precinct (PREC 004) ???

21st October 2003, 08:43 PM
Ive got a white label promo copy of this and cant find a discog of 23rd Precint records anywhere on the net to work out what it is ?

does anybody have this one

can anybody tell me what it is ??

21st October 2003, 08:53 PM
might be talking out of my arse here but didnt the early limbo releases have the 23rd Precinct logo on them??, if thats the case it could be sommert like High and Dry / Shift by Havanna

21st October 2003, 09:16 PM
Deffo, Limbo is/was 23rd Precinct. Third release on Limbo was Gipsy's 'I Trance You', would have thought you'd be familiar with that tune tho Brady? If its not Gipsy you could try mailing them...



21st October 2003, 09:18 PM
Doh, just noticed that your thread says cat no: 004. That's...

Deep Piece - "Bup Bup Biri Biri"


21st October 2003, 09:47 PM
I think they were seperate labels though weren't they? I only say this because the only tune I remember on 23rd Precinct was a rave tune by Q Tex ... definitely not Limbo recs style!!

21st October 2003, 09:52 PM

Doesn't have the one you're after on there unfortunately but it's definitely a seperate label and more on the ravey tip by the looks of it.

21st October 2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by mart
Deep Piece - "Bup Bup Biri Biri"

Absolute class tune, especially when the piano drops!!

21st October 2003, 11:55 PM
Hmmm, just rechecked. Got most of Limbo's early releases and although they do reference 23rd Precinct their cat no's are 'LIMB...' not 'PREC....' so Mike's onto the winner me thinks. Bit confusing tho. My copy of Sublime Theme for example just has the '23rd Precinct' logo stamped on it. Only way of telling its Limbo is the etched cat no....


22nd October 2003, 12:04 AM
23rd Precinct was a subsidery of Limbo or vice versa.

Here's a few verifying Cat's..

23rd Precinct/Limbo - Deep Piece - Bup Bup Biri Biri LIMBO004

23rd Precinct/Limbo - Havanna - Schtoom LIMBO001

23rd Precinct/Limbo - Havanna - Etnic Prayer LIMBO007

23rd Precinct/Limbo - Gipsy - I Trance You LIMBO003

23rd Precinct/Limbo - Mukkaa - Buruchacca LIMBO008

22nd October 2003, 12:48 PM
thanks everybody for the help , ive done some more digging around

the cat of that deep piece tune is - LIMB004


im looking for PREC004

vocals - "were gonna take you there, and you cant fight the feeling"

it does break into a piano riff half way throu

ill attach a clip of it to this post OK

here is some discogs--


22nd October 2003, 01:30 PM
I think ur rip is this...

Sublime - Fight The Feeling (23rd Precinct)

Jonno will be able to confirm!! :D

22nd October 2003, 01:46 PM
nice one biskit

22nd October 2003, 03:02 PM
yeah mate, 23rd precint is the record shop in Glasgow where Limbo was conceived.
so early releases shared the logos and then they just released with the limbo logo :)

22nd October 2003, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by nik303
yeah mate, 23rd precint is the record shop in Glasgow

yeah a know mate, that were i used to go every thursday (payday) n spend about £70 a week back in the early 90s

ahhh happy memories :phones:

thanks for the ID biskit n everybody elses help too

PS: listen to the clip, it reminds me of another renaissance style tune ..
the music part after the piano, and if it didnt have the vocal on it

ring any bells with anybody

22nd October 2003, 04:07 PM
tc1991 - berry

mebbe not what u were thinkin of tho

22nd October 2003, 10:48 PM
thats it mousemaid thats the exact song i was thinking of

cheers for putting me out of my mysery