View Full Version : wanted tunees !

27th March 2002, 02:59 PM
Hi All, will have to upload mp3's of my wants again soon !!

does anyone recognise any of the following ?

1, slowish hardcore piano chugin breaking tune that has sexy sultry type woman voice sayin "I need some extacy" a few times and breaks into a piano line

Dont think it has any proper words, heard it on stu allan/808state show sure it was 92, slowish piano breakbeat type sound !, beat kind of like sl2 way in my brain as the tape I've got it on mixes sl2 into the end of this an it goes like a dream !
woman vocals in it are like: "ay'ya,'ya...ay'ya'ya.. ay'ya'ya...ya'ya'ya'
then breaks into a slow mellow piano kind like the type yer get in in mushy love films sort of like the piano break of NRG - real hardcore (I need your lovin) that type of piano feel to it !

3, Tune of either life at bowlers or the pleasure dome farnworth its off the hitman an her show videos I've stil got when I taped em !
might not be the words in the tune though they might be just samples over the top of it but here goes !
cant remember how the tune goes will have to listen to it again, but suspect its kind of like beat club - dreams type breakbeat.
Words in it/sampled on top say things like:

metropolis etc...., helotropolis etc.... cloud city ??... somethin somethin etc ????
very vauge I know ! but if you've ever seen the video's/ still got em you might know which I'm on about hopefully !!, will try an record it of me video and mp3 this an the others soon !



sweet sensation
27th March 2002, 03:06 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by matthew
[B]Hi All, will have to upload mp3's of my wants again soon !!

does anyone recognise any of the following ?

Dont think it has any proper words, heard it on stu allan/808state show sure it was 92, slowish piano breakbeat type sound !, beat kind of like sl2 way in my brain as the tape I've got it on mixes sl2 into the end of this an it goes like a dream !
woman vocals in it are like: "ay'ya,'ya...ay'ya'ya.. ay'ya'ya...ya'ya'ya'
then breaks into a slow mellow piano kind like the type yer get in in mushy love films sort of like the piano break of NRG - real hardcore (I need your lovin) that type of piano feel to it !

Dont know if this is gona be right, but asked for something that sounds like this to be id a few weeks back.....................could be

Void - No Stopping

Tis a tune :D :D :drum:

Sweet xx

27th March 2002, 03:09 PM
that be great if pos !!

the other is def not void, have got that 1 and its not as fast as that and got a totaly different beat to it !

willhave to upload a smaple of it when possible



sweet sensation
27th March 2002, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by matthew
that be great if pos !!

the other is def not void, have got that 1 and its not as fast as that and got a totaly different beat to it !

willhave to upload a smaple of it when possible



Didnt think Id get it right, but it has a "ay ya ya ya" bit in it, so I thought Id give it a go !! :p

Sweet xx

oldskooldazed (al)
27th March 2002, 03:40 PM
matt breakbeaty one like nrg - m8 may be

Mc lethal - lethal overdose - fairwell to lazerdome mix
or lethals velvet mix this samples it big time top piano breakbeat tune

cheers al