View Full Version : NoKiA Ringtones

24th March 2002, 07:14 PM
Does anyone know where u can get oldskool ringtones! all i have found is happy hardcore ones such as children of the night and shooting star(shit dunt even sound like it) and heart of gold!

24th March 2002, 07:59 PM
Destinys got some on his <a href="http://www.kikit.org/index2.html">site</a>

26th March 2002, 06:34 PM
search this site I remember postin a few DIY jobs orbital chime was one of my better attempts.

You can always do it yourself with some free software.

all u need is a sample in .wav format preferably pretty monotone then get yourself wav2midi (search on google should find it) then midi2tone (again search) then finally tone2key or whatever nokring should do the trick.

Its free, simple n fun teaches you a lot about stuff and may make you listen out for those key notes to get the OSA ring machine going.

Good Luck m8