View Full Version : Can anyone ID this acapella?

22nd September 2003, 12:01 AM
Can anyone ID the original to this acapella?

It has been sampled by everyone over the years but I need the original song


22nd September 2003, 01:03 AM
Hmmm been sampled in loads of tracks like you say i.e :

Shaft - Roobarb & Custard
DJ Roy Silver & pa - We're On The Move
Sonic Solution - On The Move
Bass Construction - Get On The Move

.......to name just a few

Maybe if you do little searching on these tracks youll get some info about the samples they used in them. I really don't know who did the original m8 sorry.

3rd October 2003, 10:27 PM
I think it's Gems for Jem - We're on the Move. Not 100% though.

4th October 2003, 08:35 AM
its also on

pwm "get your thing together"
rhythm foundation "wait til your fathers gets home"

4th October 2003, 09:31 AM
it turns out to be Jamaica Girls On the move.(1986) The original track is pretty cak (it's on Soulseek!) The version I wanted seems to be on the Agent X- Mission 1 EP

If anybodys selling a copy or has an MP3 I'd be interested:phones:

Thanks for your time

4th October 2003, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by icicle30
it turns out to be Jamaica Girls On the move.(1986) The original track is pretty cak (it's on Soulseek!) The version I wanted seems to be on the Agent X- Mission 1 EP

Ahh so thats the original

I used to plby the agent x version - its something to do with Underground resistance - I think its on Shockwave