View Full Version : Another Matt bell couple

19th September 2003, 05:24 PM
how many good tunes did this fella play ??? lol

1:) man rapping ....cant make out what hes saying , too fast but it ends in "On a Rampage "
also a man saying un da da don da diggy donga or summat :S

unless its the mc LOL

2.) is this love really real ...plonky piano bit ...(mixed with decktition)

19th September 2003, 05:28 PM
Is this love really real?? Could be Sure is Pure

19th September 2003, 05:29 PM
Could be, look here (http://www9.gemm.com/ddc/search.pl?sid=362603588&key=59058&referred_by=OLDSKOOLANTHEMZ&disp_ad_format_mode=0&artist=SURE+IS+PURE&title=IS+THIS+LOVE+REALLY+REAL)

19th September 2003, 05:31 PM
aye could be that ,,,,,cheers :thumbsup: