View Full Version : "Get in to the music, let the rhythm take control"

6th September 2003, 02:14 PM
Here's one for you, a bit newer I think but nevertheless quite a choon:

The chord progression on the piano break is Bb, Dm, C, Am. These are just banged out as block chords, kinda like Bb--BbDm-Dm----Dm-CC-C-Am---Am

The lyric comes in a few bars later still over the piano - "Get in to the music, let the rhythm take control, something something soul (the word soul being one octave higher).

I think its fairly well known.

Thanks in advance.

ste huxley
6th September 2003, 02:35 PM
The vocal you mentioned sounds like Raze - Bass Power

But it has been sampled to death so its anyones guess really...

Could do with some more info

6th September 2003, 02:50 PM
That indeed is the lyric, but a lot quicker and modern over the stamping piano.

I've got a recording of it on my phone, I'll see if I can get that out and upload.

ste huxley
6th September 2003, 03:06 PM
Could be Overdubz - Want Bass

1996 ish

6th September 2003, 06:32 PM
yup...ste is right. Just had a play of your chords and it's overdubz /asmo style

6th September 2003, 06:39 PM
Damn, you beat me to it jonny! lol. I was just gonna switch on tha old keyboard :).
Long time no hear bud :)

See ya


6th September 2003, 11:26 PM
It is indeed Overdubs!

Thanks very much chaps!!! :D