View Full Version : How vague can you get?

17th March 2002, 11:21 PM
Right then, This is probably taking it too far but...

It was similarish to Sined Rosa (Without any vocals) but very spacy and had a slow-ish bassline with bleeps that sounded like satellites??? It was massive in the quad and the northwest area.
Im guessing 92ish. Very unusual in its day. Also, the bleeps are a bit like metropolis!

I wont hold my breath on this one!


17th March 2002, 11:27 PM
Ive got it.... its Sinita...boys boys boys...am i right sir? ;)

17th March 2002, 11:42 PM
Close but, no cigar.
Fancy swapping your copy?

18th March 2002, 12:05 AM
espiral by dunne or Q by mental cube

oldskooldazed (al)
18th March 2002, 09:42 AM
yeah i would ave said Q - mental cube nathan its bound to be that area - nitemares on wax - quartz, co co steel n love bomb - for deffo - hows tricks by way - ive been cut off by BT - will catch ya soon m8


doolz has my mobile if need to get hold of me

18th March 2002, 03:26 PM
i reckon its
don carlos - alone
has to be if by satalite sounds you mean sorta tinkley n stuff

18th March 2002, 08:09 PM

Tis indeed Q! I have had that in my brain for over 10 years. Suddenly my lifes complete!

There is one other hanging around inside whats left of me head but all I can remember is it was techno (for then) and had 'Do you know what time it is' in it. Possibly on an old Stu Allen Tape. Circa 1992

Thanks again fellas! Watch ya bass bins, Im tellin Ya!:eyebrow: :

20th March 2002, 03:43 PM
think this is on the 1st prodigy ep where evil lurks

name of it slips my mind but have def got it if its not on the evil lurks ep


matty g