View Full Version : pure perfection

bob da banker
15th August 2003, 07:06 PM
hi folks im after a hardcore tune from about 92 the vocals go something like this:
"pure perfection from beginning to the end im here once again"
i dont want to embaress myself by getting the words wrong but thats the main chorus, it bangs along with a hoover type riff in the background. any ideas? im also looking for a tune that samples the old spice ad(o fortuna) its a hardcore/breakbeat number, i had it on a music maker tape and its cool as fuck. please help me out djbones done a top job the last time!

15th August 2003, 07:13 PM
The only one my swede can remember with that rap in is Soundsource - take me up, but there aint no hoovers in it.

As for the OldSpice, it could be the one by Shades of Rhythm.

Somebody on here will know, thats for sure.


15th August 2003, 07:19 PM
I think the 2nd tune ur after is.... Mystical Units - Positively Evil

bob da banker
15th August 2003, 07:37 PM
cheers guys i just got them both on gemm for a tenner!
respect to the crumbly biskit an sirius! :D

15th August 2003, 07:45 PM
holy shit, I never knew you were ready for buying!. I hope its the right tune now.....:$ .

You really should find mp3's of the Ids first to confirm! :o

Im gonna feel well guilty now if its wrong, but I did say there wasnt any hoovers in it......

Soundsource is worth a good tenner to many a folk, I think its a great tune anyway, but may not be youre cup of tea if its not what youre after.

Biskits probably right with his, cos he knows his stuff.

bob da banker
15th August 2003, 07:54 PM
it ok mate i meant a tenner for both of them! anyway i dont fuck about!!!!! if you see it buy it thats what i say.

if its no right i know where you live


pauly p
15th August 2003, 07:58 PM
The old spice one could possibly be Apotheosis - O` fortuna on radikal records 1992?????

16th August 2003, 09:43 AM
Is this the track?
If so this is: MASTER TECHNO VOL 2
entitled - MY NOISE

bob da banker
16th August 2003, 11:08 AM
yes mate thats the tune! ian you r a legend, wait till i get my hands on sirius............................................ .........................:axe:

kidding, all help is as ever greatly appreciated thanks guys.

16th August 2003, 11:48 AM

You should have warned us you had an itchy creditcard finger.....lol.

Nevermind, the soundsource usually sells well if it too girly a tune for you.

16th August 2003, 12:09 PM
Heres a clip of Soundsource, just to confirm the rap is off that and I wasnt going mad!.

Its a Huge Northwest tune, I love it anyway! :p :D

16th August 2003, 12:11 PM
whys the bugger not attaching?

17th August 2003, 08:23 PM
If you collect the vinyl then all the master technos have pukker tunes on them...

Especially Vol 1 :crazy orchestra and deep star trax:thumbsup:

Top tunage bob

31st August 2003, 08:11 PM
Is this the track?

If so this is: MYSTICAL UNITS


(Original followed by remix)

31st August 2003, 09:41 PM
Yep, exactly wot i put IAN :thumbsup: