View Full Version : name this tune

digital orgasm
17th March 2002, 09:56 PM

i was wondering if any of u can help me name a classic tune from 91-92

I have it on tape from "The Gallery" in Leeds with DJ Ste Luigi and MC Wind Up. It's a completely mad techno tune...a woman's voice says "This is your wake up call" then a mad tune kicks in

goes something like...wah wah wah...wa wa wa...(repeats) in a screeching fashion.

I know it's not the best description but it's the best i can do

Can anyone help cos I love this tune but have no idea what its called

ste huxley
14th April 2002, 12:25 PM

digital orgasm
15th April 2002, 02:16 PM

digital orgasm
15th April 2002, 02:18 PM
if this helps, this is the e-mail i actually got off Ste Luigi, when i asked him if he knew it.

"The tune is called "Wake up call" but i can't remember who it's by off
the top of my head.
I'll try to find it in my collection and let you know asap.
Cheers again"
Steve Luigi

19th April 2002, 04:47 PM
I dunno mate - mad techno's not my thing really.

Gotta say though it was good of Steve Luigi to reply to yer email. A lot of the old DJ's are stuck too far up their own arses to help us lot out :@ :@

Top bloke :thumbsup: