View Full Version : Matt Bell i.d 6

14th August 2003, 12:29 AM
Guess wot?? Another i.d....

Matt Bell choonarooney!! (http://www.splattdesigns.co.uk/biskit/cut6.mp3) :D

Any takers on his tune?

Cheers :thumbsup:

14th August 2003, 12:50 AM
me and a mate were going thru this tape as well last night mate...
failin miserably to id these beaut's :'(

14th August 2003, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by lionel_vinyl
me and a mate were going thru this tape as well last night mate...
failin miserably to id these beaut's :'(

lol - the mixin a tad bit poor int it!!

ste huxley
14th August 2003, 01:52 PM
That is a fantastic tune

cut3 is excellent also

dont know names tho

14th August 2003, 03:32 PM
Isn't this Royal Orchestra or Royal Society something or other. Sounds like something I've got on Palmeres I think.

I'll try and remember to look for it tonight.

14th August 2003, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by wildpitch
Isn't this Royal Orchestra or Royal Society something or other. Sounds like something I've got on Palmeres I think.

I'll try and remember to look for it tonight.

Froz find out for us please m8 :thumbsup:

14th August 2003, 06:17 PM
it's 'royal society - new york' (palmares)
dunno which version there's a few on the 12 if i remember rightly.
it's got the 'new york is red hot' in it sample that's also in 'c.a.p & family'.
it's not rare though i don't think.

14th August 2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by mikey
it's 'royal society - new york' (palmares)
dunno which version there's a few on the 12 if i remember rightly.
it's got the 'new york is red hot' in it sample that's also in 'c.a.p & family'.
it's not rare though i don't think.

Cheerz again mikey :thumbsup:

14th August 2003, 07:01 PM
Sorted then. Always remember this being a right beyotch to mix with.

16th August 2003, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by wildpitch
Always remember this being a right beyotch to mix with.

Probably why it never got the airtime it deserved :| Scardie cat DJ's grrrrr bang the fukker across for me LOL if the tunes big enough nobody remembers the shite mix ;)

Top tuneage imo - both mixes are class :thumbsup: PL305 Chris, and dont pay a bomb cause it comes up quite often :p

pauly p
17th August 2003, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by wildpitch
Sorted then. Always remember this being a right beyotch to mix with.

fits niceley between magic concept - unstoppable and mimmo mix - my way ;)