View Full Version : Anybody pwease!!

4th July 2003, 10:36 AM
Any takers on this??

Click me please n listen!! (http://www.splattdesigns.co.uk/biskit/lasts.mp3) :thumbsup:

Help Appreciated!! :D

4th July 2003, 10:45 AM
Had a listen, no joy:( Like it tho :)

ste huxley
4th July 2003, 11:39 AM
The same piano off Liquid Crystal - Power Within

Is it the end of the remix?
Cos that one was less hard than the orig

4th July 2003, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by ste huxley
The same piano off Liquid Crystal - Power Within

Top spottin Ste!!! Its actually me, I sampled the Liquid Crystal piano, rearranged it to make a different chord sequence, slightly removed the hardcore breakbeat and replaced it wiv a softer hip house beat!! Didnt think anyone would spot it!! lol :thumbsup: Just needs a pella placin over the top!!

ste huxley
4th July 2003, 11:55 AM
Good work m8!

Let me know finished product, press one one up for me, I want to play it!

pauly p
4th July 2003, 11:59 AM
with all this creativity on OSA we should all chip in for a vinyl cutting machine and start up a nice little label.

4th July 2003, 01:39 PM
i know a great vocal sample for it but dunno what its called plus i don't know the lyrics... but i just sort of hummed it over the top and it sounded all right tho. Not much use me am I?