View Full Version : One for me

19th June 2003, 05:46 PM
A progressive house technoy number with a guy chanting summit like tami tiki tori.


ste huxley
19th June 2003, 08:55 PM
Do you mean biki biki boki boki lololol

Cos if so it could be

Biki Boka - Biki Boka

Its an old Italian tune from 91

In that mellow ital rave style with 'take me to the top' samples in the middle

Saying that I'm not to good at differentiating my bikis from my tokis:condom:

1st July 2003, 08:40 PM
Well I just bought Biki Boka and its not the one... the tune I'm after has been id'd on this forum so I know you all know it.

Its like an african chant that goes summat like:

umma chakka nakka nokka nikka norra
umma taki nakka imma tami tiki tori

In the style of something similar to um bongo :)

1st July 2003, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by fugjostle

Its like an african chant that goes summat like:

umma chakka nakka nokka nikka norra
umma taki nakka imma tami tiki tori

In the style of something similar to um bongo :)

thats definatly the intro of

Landscape - Einstein A Go Go

Its been sampled a few times but I can't remember on what :confused:

ste huxley
1st July 2003, 09:38 PM
Ahh Fug I know the one you mean now!!

really fast chanting, right this has been sampled in quite a few tunes tho m8

Sample please!!:D

2nd July 2003, 09:30 AM
F*ck I know the one you are on about too, it has this at the start tami tiki tori with some other mental words after it like "meatawomba orinoco" or something like that.

Feel like I'm speaking Swahili...... LOL :p :p :p :p :p

umma chakka nakka nokka nikka norra
umma taki nakka imma tami tiki tori

DJ Trix used to hammer this track back in about '93.

My mate had it on vinyl but cant think of a name of the top of me scone mate.

See if you can upload a sample and someone will click as to what it is called!

2nd July 2003, 11:07 AM
I think there was a DMC remix of Einstein a go go.... never heard it though.....

There was also a Set Up System tune samplin the melody - dunno if it had the um bongo lyrics though lol

3rd July 2003, 07:01 AM
Theres a tune by Yello sounds like that.
Don,t know the title thou!

3rd July 2003, 05:28 PM
Listen to the last 30secs of this 2minute tune, I doubt its the 1 that fug wants but it has that tiki taki bit in, could this be the setup sytstem one?
I really need this tune ;)

11th July 2003, 11:57 AM
Are you sure ur not on about the orig' mix of.. 'Hyperlogic - Only me', this tune contains the 'tam tiki tori' male vocal!!