View Full Version : You aint let me down so far PLEASEEEEEE dont this time :-)

13th June 2003, 09:10 AM
Ok im searching for an old tune (hey whats new :p )

It was on an old Ku tape from Ibzia and I think it was nipper or sasha that did it.

The tape starts with about 1 min of just scratching nothing else then her drops in this tune :)

starts with piano very sweet piano and a guy singing

"jesus I was guilty but drop the charge"

"jesus I was guilty but drop the charge"

then it goes a bit techno'y

Come on guys help i little old schooly ;)

Thankin you all in aticipation

13th June 2003, 09:52 AM
Sounds rather like Digital Orgasm - Moog Eruption to me....

13th June 2003, 10:00 AM
Nice one Mike it is like a digital orgasm tune ill have a look for that one see if its the right one, but its similar in a sort of way to running out of time, the techno bit :)

Your a star :)

13th June 2003, 10:49 AM
Here ya go...

click me (http://db5.gemm.com/ddc/search.pl?sid=362017919&key=34523&referred_by=OLDSKOOLANTHEMZ&disp_ad_format_mode=0&artist=DIGITAL+ORGASM&label=TRANCE+MIS&&title=MOOG+ERUPTION&label=TRANCE+MIS&) :D

The Belgian pressing (Trance Mission) is the orig' press!! :thumbsup:

13th June 2003, 12:28 PM
Thank you :) i knew you guys wouldnt let me down :)