View Full Version : Last calls for my most wanted!!!

10th June 2003, 01:58 PM
Any help PLEASE peeps,
Only 2 tracks on my i.d list left(and it was long.....believe me)

And this is the main one!

Ta in advance and sorry to bore those who have uploaded the sample before,
But a most wanted is a most wanted as vinyl collectors(etc) will understand

Ta Paul

10th June 2003, 02:15 PM
soz, dont know it:(

i wouldnt mind having a bit of that myself thou.......sounds spot on:) which set is this from mate?

10th June 2003, 02:20 PM
danny this is the one we were talking about on msn yesterday morning from park at hacienda.....

10th June 2003, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Danny
soz, dont know it:(

i wouldnt mind having a bit of that myself thou.......sounds spot on:) which set is this from mate?

G.Park at the hacienda nye 91/92 and another hac tape around the same time although i hav'nt got that one,i have just been told about it!

Regards Paul:D

10th June 2003, 02:31 PM
i got told yesterday it was shut nye 91/2 :confused:

10th June 2003, 05:59 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by johns_ar
i got told yesterday it was shut nye 91/2 :confused: [/QUOTE

The tape is deffo late 91/early92 cause the tunes on it are from that era!
I don't know for definate that it's n.y.e ,but i got that info from someone on here thats shit hot at Tracklistings ,so i've never doubted it!!

Regards Paul

10th June 2003, 06:09 PM
just something oldskooldazed (al) said to me on messenger bud

10th June 2003, 06:17 PM
No probs mate,
Glad of any input ;)

11th June 2003, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by johns_ar
i got told yesterday it was shut nye 91/2 :confused:

Think Konspiacy told me he was there NYE 91/2 so think it was open, he'll hav to confirm. I know Hac was shut 30 Jan - 10 May in 91........

One of my clips this....proving to be quite a tough one....hopefully someone will get it eventually!

Paul, let me know if you've got any more id's 4 this set since u last pm'd me.....

11th June 2003, 04:03 PM
Funny you should mention that Noel because I was talking to a mate of mine a couple of days ago about this and we're almost positive we went 91/92, but werent sure cos we also had tickets for the previous year as well and had to sell em, or was it the other way round. :S

How some of you guys can remember the exact weeks is beyond me. Anyways I cant possibly confirm this set is from NYE cos I aint got the tape but they are all late 91 tunes thats for sure