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6th May 2003, 04:00 PM
should have no probs with these lads!/ sum distinctive rhymin choons cheers! :)

hacienda (http://www.wn.com.au/mtarozzi/adrian/hacienda.mp3)

hacienda2 (http://www.wn.com.au/mtarozzi/adrian/hacienda2.mp3)

6th May 2003, 04:16 PM
Couldnt really make these out (could be my soundcard) but the first one sounds like How Sleep the Brave by MC Buzz B and the second one sounds like Doug Lazy - Let the Rhythm Pump

6th May 2003, 04:24 PM
Konspiracy is on the money again.

That Buzz B tune has a wicked break underneath it.

6th May 2003, 05:04 PM
cheers fellas :thumbsup:

so i take it these are mixes then and not just one tune?

do you lads know if these tunes are around at all


6th May 2003, 05:15 PM
Got both on Mp3 if you want 'em - if your on soulseek: send us a pm and we'll sort it out...

I got a decent copy of Mc Buzz B about four months ago on ebay for a few quid and most of Doug Lazy's is quite easy to come by so you should be ok if ya want vinyl...

Both top tunes btw!


7th May 2003, 12:01 PM
cheers mart i'll take you up on that kind offer next time i get my lazy ass in soulseek

your getting busy around these parts arent ya