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View Full Version : 2 unknown tracks from mix recorded at house party in Durban, South Africa circa 1997

14th April 2023, 06:39 PM
Had some luck ID'ing a couple of other tracks on here via Dogs on Acid forum, so giving this a go here as well, hopefully track down last 2 of these that I've been trying to hunt down for the last, well shit... 26 years now I guess? 'kin hell...

If not actual ID's any pointers in terms of artist to check out that might fit the bill etc will also be massively appreciated, many thanks

2 unidentified tracks: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/8pplo27yl69jfrydohspu/h?dl=0&rlkey=9bb11khno78317rss9ycg0oll

They are from a mix I recorded to tape from a DJ set at a house party in Durban, South Africa circa 1997. Ripped from that original tape which is well battered now and was never great quality recording to start, mmmm the hiss tho, I still love it...

Here is the rest of the tracklisting to give an idea of the styles played for context, mostly atmospheric/liquid/jazzstep/'artcore' dnb and a few tech step leaning cuts, all from '94 to '97 (most of them from '97 actually) so far nothing later than that so reckon it was recorded '97 for sure if memory serves (at a push maybe early '98 but feel like it was def 1997)

Side A.
1. 00:00 - Flytronix : Return to Intelligence (1995)
2. 02.05 - Adam F : Circles (1995)
3. 08.57 - Roni Size : It's a Jazz Thing [Electric Boogie Mix] (1994)
4. 12.34 - Hyper-on Experience : Reed Breeze (1997)
5. 16.48 - ??? - Side A - Track 5 - Unidentified [Notes: Amazing creaking door sample! Backward vocals.]
6. 20:40 - Tekniq : True (1997)
7. 23:47 - Spring Heel Jack : Hale Bop (1997)
8. 29:39 - Bliss 'N' Tumble - The Snap (1997)
9. 33.20 - Grand Unified - Freeform (1997)
10. 37.55 - Blu Mar Ten - J jnFutureproof [Original 12" Mix] (1997)
11. 41:51 - Foul Play : Being With You [Foul Play Remix] (1994)
12. 45:19 - Dom | Rob | Goldie : The Shadow [Rob Smith for Underworld : Bing Here Mix] (1997)

Side B.
1. 00:00 - Roni Size | Reprazent : Share the Fall [full vocal mix] (1997)
2. 03.41 - PCM : Year Zero (1996)
3. 10.32 - Deep Blue & Blame – Re-Transitions (1996)
4. 15.32 - E-Z Rollers : 25 Alpha (1996)
5. 18.22 - Jacob's Optical Stairway - The Chase The Escape (Chris Energy Remix) (1997)
6. 22.35 - Neotropic : 15 Levels of Magnification [Arcon 2 mix] (1996)
7. 26.11 - Jacob's Optical Stairway ‎: Jacob's Story (1997)
8. 29.29 - Neotech : Valves (1997)
9. 33.49 - ??? - Side B - Track 9 - Unidentified [Notes: Weird 'Moroccan/Arabic' like drone sample?]
10. 36.52 - Blu - Tonik - Peace
11. 42:46 - Blu Mar Ten ‎: Slipstream (1997)
12. 46: Blu Tonik - When I (last 20 seconds of mix)