View Full Version : dj welly tape id's

4th April 2003, 06:41 PM
hello people :phones:

here's the tracklisting for the dj welly tape i mentioned before.
the blank ones are the ones i'd like to have id'd please:

1.felix - it'll make me crazy
2.asmo - jam the dance
3.alex lee - take it
5.m17 - rocking down the house
5.direckt - i got ya feeling
6.rhythm foundation - let the whole world know
7.restless rockers - restless
8.k klass - rhythm's a mystery
9.elustrious - on the ragga tip
11.k klass - so right
12.love revolution - i feel it
13.evolution - metropolis / run to me acapella
14.2 bad mice - bombscare
15.thk - france
17.react to rhythm - intoxication
18.blow - cutter
19.soz of a loop da loop era - further out
20.frank de wulf - the tape
21.young mc - know how
22.gat decor - passion / loving you like crazy acapella
24.brothers luv dubs - mighty ming
25.dina carroll - ain't no man
26.tc1991 - berry
27.with it guys - feel alright

no.4 has 'i'm so in luv luv luv' vocal in it.
no.10 has yo yo get funky vocal in it.
no.16 is a progressive type tune,no real worded vocals.
no.23 is another acapella.

any help would be much appreciated.if i've made any mistakes in the tracklisting please let me know.
p.s. i missed a track after bombscare.has the vocals in 'everybody say hallelujah' male vocal.also has a female vocal 'everybody sing it to the love..to the love..'

ste huxley
4th April 2003, 06:59 PM
10. Return of the living acid - Get funky - Chill recs

4th April 2003, 09:18 PM
cheers ste much appreciated.
mikey :guitar:

ste huxley
4th April 2003, 11:46 PM
nps, I'm after #4 myself, tune that

10th April 2003, 10:16 PM
16) Thompson Twins - Come With Me (Dub Mix)

10th April 2003, 10:28 PM
hehe... #4 is the only left for me to get off that tape. I'm hoping someone can id it... specially since welly comes on the board every now and again :(


ste huxley
10th April 2003, 10:44 PM
I think I remem Welly saying that the 1st side of that tape was done by Kenny Grogan, cos Welly didnt know #4 either

11th April 2003, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by fugjostle
16) Thompson Twins - Come With Me (Dub Mix)

that should read;

Thompson Twins - Play With Me (Jane) - (Dubwash Mix)

fantastic tune..

Fug, you collecting all these as well?

11th April 2003, 01:07 PM
Yeah mate, having trouble getting hold of direckt "i got ya feeling" and I keep getting the wrong version of Asmo :(


11th April 2003, 03:49 PM
cheers for the info marras.
i'm sure i posted a thread about direckt a while ago asking if it was rare.i've got a copy but i've never seen a copy anywhere else and anyone i've mentioned it to says the same.
i know how you feel about asmo it's evaded me for a long time but it's defo the TEK3 one from what i've read and heard.thanks for all the info so far everyone.

14th April 2003, 12:00 PM
doh, direckt has been on ebay twice in the last few weeks, both times for less than a tenner..

just keep looking it'll turn up on there agian.

same here re asmo, tek3 nowhere to be seen..

14th April 2003, 06:02 PM
I'm guessing that the asmo mix on the tape is the one that starts off with the choir style waahs before dropping in with the strings and piano? That's the main tek3 mix anyway.

Tek 3 also has the more time mix (one with the bloke rambling on about nonsense) which is also found on tek4 along with music please. Tek 11 was the remixes.

14th April 2003, 07:20 PM
yeah, the mix is the tek 3 version... I've got the tek 4 and tek 11(?) versions which are pretty much crap variations on the theme. I keep coming across sites listing it as a "sasha anthem" but its always the tek 4 version :(

13th May 2003, 05:02 PM
Updated list.. can anyone fill in the blanks that mikey missed?

Kenny Grogan (?)

2. Felix - Make me crazy
3. Asmo - Jam the dance
4. Alex lee - Take it
5. Studio X - Los Kings Del Mambo
6. M17 - Rocking down the house
7. Direckt - i got ya feeling
8. Rhythm foundation - let the whole world know
9. Restless rockers - Restless
10. K Klass - Rhythm's a mystery
11. elustrious - on the ragga tip
12. Return of the living acid - get funky
13. k klass - so right

DJ Welly

14. love revolution - i feel it
15. evolution - metropolis / run to me acapella
17. 2 Bad Mice - Bombscare
18. THK - france
19. Thompson Twins - Play With Me (Jane)
20. react to rhythm - intoxication
21. blow - cutter
22. soz of a loop da loop era - further out
23. frank de wulf - the tape
24. young mc - know how
25. gat decor - passion / loving you like crazy acapella
27. brothers luv dubs - mighty ming
28. Dina Carroll - ain't no man
29. TC1991 - berry
30. With It guys - feel alright


13th May 2003, 10:50 PM
cheers fug you're a real beaut!
that studio x one is the one that's bugged me for a while.
nice one :phones:

14th May 2003, 09:11 AM
have bought a tune recently hoping that it fits the number 1 gap..I'll let you know if it's right when i get it..

14th May 2003, 09:41 AM
my tape must have missed the first track off so i've never actually heard it.i might even know what it is....
grad,hope you get lucky mate :phones:

14th May 2003, 10:14 AM
Yeah I think theres another 5 tracks or so missing from the beginning of Kenny Grogans(??) set. I don't have the original tape and I'm making an assumption but #1 is the jump, jump, jump track and #16 is the gospel on which are my most wanted atm.


14th May 2003, 11:26 AM
oops 'scuse me, it's not #1 i'm on about it's the 'hallelujah' track..#16.

23rd May 2003, 08:29 AM
my gamble paid off...for a £1 as well :D

#16 performa - somebody say hallelujah (106 records)

23rd May 2003, 12:48 PM
grad that's great news mate,spot on!

29th December 2005, 01:40 PM
Hi mate

Track 16 is: Performa - Somebody Say Hallelujah

Me finding the Direckt one hard to find too!!!