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Thread: unknown (acen?)

  1. #1

    Default unknown (acen?)

    Firstly i wanna apologise for the quality, but it is recorded from a cassette from 1995. it is only a piece, and at last of the recording the song is Acen-close your eyes, but the first one?"nananana nananana..." a mistery.
    i´m looking for it sice 1996 but there have not benn luck
    i wish i´m lucky!!!
    thanks mates!
    Attached Files Attached Files
    • File Type: mp3 2.mp3 (217.5 KB, 130 views)

  2. #2


    The female vocal is from Opus III "Its a Fine Day" for sure... But it is chopped up and doesn't sound like any straight Fine Day remix I have heard.

    It is about 140bpm... Maybe someone on the breakbeat or jungle forum might know? Might be worth a shot posting over there.

  3. #3


    maybe you are right, i know Opus III but i had not though in that posibility.
    I´ll try this way. thank you very much mate

  4. #4


    Not sure if it will help but the sample at the end of the tune (can be heard clearly at 0:47) is originally from Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumours. You can hear it here.

    YouTube - Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumours

  5. #5


    it was not the priority but you are right. thanks so much

  6. #6


    The tune you seek is The Noise Of Art - Rollin Deep In The Realm Of The Purple Diamond (Danny Breaks & Andy C Remix 1994) on Surburban Base Records SUBBASE 35.

  7. #7


    thank you so much!!!!
    it is what i have been looking for during more than 10 years
    i cant believe i have got it
    thanks mate!!!

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